
classic gift ideas

Tired of racking your brain to come up with a unique gift that people will actually like? Something they might really use? Something they won't throw in the closet? Or even worse, re-gift to someone who doesn't really want it either? Me, too. Thankfully, we have some classic gifts that everyone can use.

Our reproduction of the well-known Fifteen Puzzle™ is one of the most popular games we have, which is amazing when you consider it's over 100 years old. I think it still appeals to people because it's a really tough puzzle to solve. It's also a great piece of collectible nostalgia. The Mystery Top is another Thing we've carried for years that never seems to lose its popularity. It spins at 2500 RPM with no apparent energy source for days on end and it's small enough to fit in your pocket. It absolutely baffles almost everyone who sees it.

Puzzles and toys aren't for everyone though. For a classic carnival experience, our table top version of the Duck Shoot Gallery is a great gift. I bought this one already. (Um...yes, for myself.) You shoot at the duckies with a wireless infrared pistol and watch them topple as your successful hit registers on and LCD display. It even has a Midway barker's voice to guide you through the game and unlike most electronic games, it comes with batteries.

Steam Engine is a true classic. It's a powerful precision-made horizontal engine with grooved pulley & balanced flywheel for driving objects. The brass boiler is nickel plated and it even has a steam whistle. The cool thing about this Thing is that it requires no electricity. It runs on inexpensive dry fuel tablets instead.

For people who like to ring in the holidays with a bang, we have Big Bertha, our largest and loudest Carbide Cannon. This type of cannon has been in use for over 50 years and operates on the same principle as a car engine—all it needs is gas, fresh air, and a spark. Believe me when I tell you the Thing produces a big flash and boom. They're great for celebrations all year-round. You probably won't be surprised to learn that I have two of them. I like to shoot them in tandem to keep the party booming.

Well, I think I'll head for the warehouse and see what else I can dig up. Stay tuned for more gift ideas next week. I might just come up with something that will shock you.

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