
political things

It's that time of year again. You know, the time when the politicians and pundits are filling the airwaves with incomprehensible rhetoric, yard signs and bumper stickers are going up all over town to make sure you know just who your friends and neighbors will be voting for and everyone's talking about a change. Honestly, it all just makes me weary. Don't get me wrong—I've voted in every single election since I was eighteen—but I sometimes need a bit of a distraction from all the chatter. So I found these Things in the warehouse to help take my mind off of it for a while.

No matter which side of the aisle you favor, we have something for every political taste. For example, these non-partisan Politicards and cast today's political players—left, right and center—in roles from classic feature films. See John McCain as Rocky Balboa, Barack Obama as Moses and Mitt Romney (“We're on a mission from God!”) as Elwood Blues from The Blues Brothers. It's the most fun you can have playing a card game, especially at this time of year.

If you'd like to have some fun with the current administration, check out these George W. Bush playing cards. Our Commander In Chief's face is pasted over the faces of bathing beauties and a few other crazy bodies. Talk about gender (and species) confusion! Our Bush Toilet Paper is great for home use and for a great gag gift. Liberals will love it and conservatives will love to hate it. Each sheet shows the classic “Dubya” face with quotes like “They misunderestimated me.” Finally, you can use our Head of State to clean your head with this Bush Bowl Buddy. Now that's a mission accomplished!

Of course, we can't neglect poor Hillary! The Hillary Bowl Buddy is an amazing likeness of Senator Clinton, right down to the prim and proper dress and sensible shoes. Just pour in some cleanser and swish her head around the toilet for a sparkling clean result. She's tough enough to get the job done! I mean, just look at this Hillary Clinton Nutcracker made in her honor. With “legs of steel,” she can crack anyone's walnuts.

We have a whole host of political Things to help you laugh your way through the upcoming election season. Just don't get laughing so hard that you forget to vote!

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